Volcanic eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula: at this time, the eruption has no impact on air traffic. Further information is available on the Civil Protection website and the Meteorological Office website.


Continuous decent approach achievement in Keflavík airport

Isavia ANS has been working on implementing Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) for Keflavík airport for the last few years by implementing standard arrival routes based on GNSS and procedures for air traffic controllers aiming on saving fuel, less CO2 emission and reducing noise in the vicinity of the airport.

The definition of CDA being applied is when the flight has descended idle with no steps longer than 1NM (except for aerodynamics steps) between the upper limit (TOD) and the lower limit (3000ft) of the arrival approach CDA procedure. Where an aerodynamic step is a deceleration step, which means that the pilot did not use 'high thrust' (the thrust was below 50%).

Looking at CDA achievements for Icelandair in Keflavík, we can see great progress. The average application in 2016 was slightly above 50% on the approach to Keflavik airport, but now the numbers are above 80%