Isavia ANS established
In 2020 Isavia established two subsidiary companies, Isavia ANS and Isavia Regional Airports. Isavia ANS oversees air navigation services within the Reykjavik CTA. Isavia Regional Airports oversee all domestic airports in Iceland, excluding Keflavik International Airport.

New HQ of Isavia ANS

Isavia established
Isavia, a new publicly owned company was established. This combined Keflavik International Airport with Flugstoðir. Through this change all airport and air navigation services were brought under one company.

Flugstoðir established
Flugstoðir was established in 2007. Flugstoðir oversaw all air navigation service provision within the Reykjavik CTA.

New Area Control Center operational

Iceland extends service provision to upper flight level over Nuuk FIR
Iceland and Denmark sign an agreement that gives Iceland mandate to provide air navigation services in the upper airspace of Nuuk FIR.

New tower operational at Reykjavik Airport

Joint Finance Agreement
In 1956 a special agreement regarding the joint financing of air navigation services was established between Iceland and a number of other states that operated aircraft over the North Atlantic region. This agreement called the "Joint Finance Agreement" is managed and overseen by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). This agreement ensures the right of Isavia ANS, with a mandate from the Icelandic government, to provide air navigation services over the 5,4 million square kilometer region called Reykjavik CTA. This region spans over Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and a large portion of the North Atlantic ocean.

Chicago Convention Signed
Iceland confirms the preliminary convention regarding international aviation on the 21st of March in 1945. Two years later Iceland would sign the convention regarding international aviation and the rights of international airline operators. On this basis Iceland has made a number of bilateral air travel agreements.

The first air traffic control tower in Reykjavik airport
The old air traffic control tower at Reykjavik airport was built during the second world war. The building of the tower began in 1941 and was operational a year later. During the second world war military air traffic flying over the North Atlantic were directed from this tower. After Iceland officially took over the daily operations of Reykjavik airport the tower became the center of air navigation service provision in Iceland until 1961.