
Air Navigation

From continent to continent

The role of Isavia’s Air Navigation Division is to provide Icelandic and foreign aircraft with air navigation services within the Reykjavik Control Area (CTA) and at Icelandic airports. Air navigation services (ANS) are often divided into the following basic services:

  • Communication services
  • Navigation services
  • Surveillance services
  • Air traffic services (ATS)
  • Meteorological services (MET)
  • Aeronautical information services (AIS)

Isavia is licensed by the Icelandic Civil Aviation Administration to provide air navigation and air traffic services within the Reykjavik CTA and the North Atlantic Region on behalf of Iceland.

Our Air Navigation Division has a staff of about 235, including around 125 air traffic controllers, 20 flight data specialists, 40 flight information officers, 35 technicians and around 15 members of staff performing safety and quality-related functions, teaching and training, research and development as well as management.

By far the largest part of the cost of our air navigation services is paid through user charges in the form of en route fees or landing charges collected by the airports. Iceland is a Provider State under the Joint Financing Agreement, a membership agreement between 23 countries that sets out the financing of air navigation services within the Reykjavik CTA. The agreement’s performance is supervised by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). Isavia and ICAO hold annual information meetings with user representatives to review the services and cost developments.

The North Atlantic Systems Planning Group (NAT SPG) is an ICAO regional planning body and a consultation forum for North Atlantic air navigation service providers. The NAT SPG makes decisions on service development and monitors safety and quality targets as well as the development of new air navigation technologies and methodologies. Organisations of air operators and professional associations also play an active role in this work.