Ban on drone flights 28th -31st October

1. Reykjavík
The ban is in effect from 08:00 on October 28th and is valid until 18:00 on October 30th 2024.

2. Þingvellir
The ban is in effect from 15:00 until 22:00 on October 28th 2024.

The ban is over Þingvellir or in an area within coordinates 64°15'03.7"N 21°12'06.3"W, 64°18'12.0"N 21°05'23.3"W, 64°16'46.5"N 21°01'40.8"W, 64°13'29.3"N 21°08'26.8"W, 64°15'03.7"N 21°12'06.3"W.
No altitude restrictions apply.
Drones used by the police are exempted from the ban.
3. Bessastaðir
The ban is in effect from 07:30 until 09:30 on October 29th 2024.

The ban is over Bessastaðir or in an area within coordinates 64°06'11.1"N 22°00'36.3"W, 64°06'53.6"N 21°59'24.4"W, 64°07'16.6"N 21°58'08.7"W, 64°07'05.2"N 21°57'19.9"W, 64°06'17.6"N 21°56'48.6"W, 64°06'03.0"N 21°57'25.2"W, 64°05'46.2"N 21°59'22.9"W, 64°06'11.1"N 22°00'36.3"W.
No altitude restrictions apply.
Drones used by the police are exempted from the ban.