A new volcanic eruption has started on the Reykjanes Peninsula - further information can be found at the Icelandic Met Office website and the Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management website.

About us

Human Resources

Isavia ANS emphasizes constructive communication, encouragement, respect and joy.

Our human resources plays a key role on our journey. We emphasis on building a strong work environment that meets our needs, a culture that supports teamwork, responsibility and professionalism. We also emphasize constitutive communication, encouragement respect and joy in our work That´s how we succeed.

The workplace

We are about 260 employees at Isavia ANS in addition to about 20 Air traffic Control - Trainees.

Our main office is at Nauthólsvegur 66 but we have smaller locations, one at Sóleyjarrimi where we operate Iceland Radio and one at Steinhella where a part of our CNS Systems is located.

We want our workplace to be lively and interesting, where facilities are as good as possible We want to create a work environment characterized by mutual flexibility, where the needs of work and family responsibility coincide.

The company culture is important to us, whereas we emphasize cooperation, constructive communications, professionalism, motivation, positivity respect and joy.

We require everyone who has a leadership role to show respect in their work, promote empowerment, be motivated, and build a strong and robust team. Managers and leaders set a good example by having a clear vision for the future and providing regular and constructive feedback to employees on policies, roles, achievements, and goals in their work.

Human Resource and Equality Policy

The human resource policy covers all activities of Isavia and its subsidiaries. Employees must respect it in all their work for the company. The human resource policy is based on Isavia’s strategy.

We ensure full fairness in wage decisions and guarantee that all employees are paid equal wages and receive the same benefits for the same or equally valuable work, regardless of gender. We are committed to implementing, documenting, and maintaining an equal pay system in accordance with the requirements of the Equal Pay Certification standards and Icelandic laws at all times.


We use good and fair practices in recruitment and always maintain impartiality. We strive to have employees with diverse backgrounds in terms of gender, age, education and experience. The recruitment of employees takes into account all of these aspects and also the prevailing gender ratio in employee groups with the aim of promoting diversity in human resources.

We enable employees to develop in their work through transfers between jobs and by advertising all vacancies, unless otherwise specifically decided in accordance with the company’s procedures.

Knowledge, Education and Job Development

We ensure that employees receive targeted training so that they can carry out their work with safety and satisfaction. Education and training are based on existing requirements and company’s policies. We create a culture of learning with strong educational work and encouragement for employees to take responsibility for their own knowledge and skills. All employees are entitled to apply for grants for study outside of the company to further strengthen their abilities in their work.


We promote equality in all our activities and ensure that all employees have equal opportunities and opportunities to use their talents at work. We seek ways to ensure an equal gender ratio in both the group of managers and employees.

We make wage decisions with the utmost fairness and ensure that all employees receive equal pay and enjoy equal terms of employment for the same jobs or jobs of equal value regardless of gender.

Our Human Resource and Equality Policy ensures that no one is discriminated against based on religion, race, sexuality, age, disability or status in any other way.

Under no circumstances do we tolerate bullying, violence, gender-based or sexual harassment in the workplace. We work in a spirit of cooperation and always show colleagues courtesy and respect in all communication.

Our Health

We place great value on the physical and mental health of our employees. We work together as one team and support each other.

We seek to improve our staff’s health by providing them with a good working environment, encouraging them to improve their all-round health and fitness and providing them with health-related instruction.

All our employees is entitled to a physical fitness allowance to cover gym membership or similar fees.

At our office at Nauthólsvegur we have a fitness facility all employees can use. We also provide a good facilities for those who like to bike.

We provide annual health checks and influenza vaccinations as well as nurse’s consultation by telephone about the health and well-being of employees and their families.

A Fun Workplace

We have all kinds of fun together. We run a host of events for our employees each year, for example pub-quiz, Oktoberfest, golf, theater and cinema trips. There are also our Annual Celebration and various smaller entertainments.

Our Canteen

We have a good canteen at Nauthólsvegur for our employees where breakfast and lunch are served. Lunches are subsidized by the company.